MO Dealer License
you will need to complete the state mandated Missouri
Dealer Educational Seminar. Your dealer license training
class takes about 4 hours. You can take the dealer
training course online or in class. The online course
and in-class course are the exact same course. When you complete the course you will
receive an Official Dealer Certificate of Completion. You can do
this as your first step of 12 steps, during your 12
steps, or after you have completed the 12 steps. If you
decide to take the dealer class as your first step we
will do our very best to guide you in the right
direction so you may obtain your dealers license as soon
as possible so you may open your new business as soon as
soon as possible. You can take the
online dealer training course at any time or find a
dealer class near you by viewing the
Class Schedule. When you complete your training
course, Missouri Dealer Seminars will issue your Dealer
Educational Seminar Certificate of Completion that is
necessary to obtain your Missouri Dealers License. You
will need to include your Certificate of Completion when
you submit your application.
Sign up now! 2. Complete Dealer Application
You must apply for your dealer license through the
Department of Revenue Dealer Portal we will discuss
in your dealer class and the online course. We will make sure your application
is submited correctly so you may get your license in as
little as 7 days.
You must conduct an online criminal background check before
you obtain your Missouri Dealer License. If you are a
Missouri resident, you can begin your background check
clicking here.
The background check must be conducted online through
the Missouri Highway Patrol. The background check will
cost $15.25 for each person on
the license and each person on the license must pass the
background check. If you are a resident of a state other
than Missouri, you will need to submit a current
background check from your State Highway Patrol or State
Bureau of Investigations. All background checks must be
less than 30 days old at the time of application. Be
sure to include a copy of your background check in your
dealer application packet.
You must register your business name with the
Missouri Secretary of State. This must be done before
your receive your Missouri Dealer's License. You
can register your business name with the Missouri
Secretary of State by calling 573-751-3827 or visit We
will discuss Secretary of State registrations in you
dealer training course.
must have a place of business to be used for the sole
purpose of selling motor vehicles. You must have an area that is used only
for the purpose of the business. You can also locate
your business in any commercially zoned area that allows
an automotive business. Be sure to check your local
zoning laws. You must keep all books, records, and
licenses in this building at all times. If you are using
a travel trailer or mobile home, you'll need to remove
it's wheels and anchor it securely to the ground. The
State of Missouri, in some cases, will allow a dealer
license at a home address but it must be zoned
correctly. Remember, you
must check your local zoning ordinances to make sure an
automotive business is allowed at the location you have
chosen for your dealership.
6. You Must Have A
Display Lot
You must have a display
lot with room for multiple motor vehicles. This lot must
be for the exclusive use of your business. Any vehicles
located on your lot must be for sale and the lot must
have an unobstructed view from the nearest public
street. All of your vehicles held for resale must be
located on this lot.
You will need a permanent business sign. This sign
can be on the exterior of the business building or
erected on the display area. The sign's letters must be
at least 6 inches in height and must be clearly visible
to the public. You must also post your hours of
operation prominently.
You must submit a
current photograph of your business with your dealer
application. The picture must include your business
building, display lot, and sign. The photo can also be
submited through the dealer portal we discuss in class.
You must provide either an original
dealer surety bond in the amount of $50,000 or an
irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of $50,000.
You can easily apply for your
Missouri Dealer Surety Bond by clicking here. The
price for your surety bond will depend on your credit
score. Higher credit scores equal lower surety bond
prices. If you have a bad credit history, your bond
pricing can be much higher. With our access to several
national bonding brokers we can provide quick, easy
dealer surety bond quotes for anyone with perfect
credit, less than perfect credit, or bad credit.
Irrevocable letters of credit are issued by banks and
the fees vary greatly so check with your banker. The
Missouri Department of Revenue requires either a bond or
letter of credit to protect you against any legal claims
against your dealership by unsatisfied customers. Don't
worry, if you operate your business with complete
integrity, you will probably never have to use it. For
your free
Missouri Dealer Surety Bond quote, just
click here.
Your business must maintain regular working hours of
at least 20 hours per week. If you are running the
business from your home address, or another location,
someone will need to be available during your hours of
operation. You will need to have your business open a
minimum of 4 days a week between the hours of
6:00AM-10:00PM Monday through Saturday. Missouri laws
prohibit dealers from operating on Sundays. Motorcyle
dealers may now open on Sundays, but if you also sell
cars and trucks, you must still remain closed.
One of the final steps to obtaining your Missouri
Dealer's License is your Application Certification. You
will need to make an appointment with a law enforcement
officer to inspect your business location to make it
sure it meets all of the dealer's license requirements.
Don't worry, the certification process is very quick and
easy to pass as long as you follow every step listed
above. If your dealership will be located in Boone,
Buchanan, Camden, Cape Girardeau, Clay, Cole, Franklin,
Greene, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Platte, St. Charles,
or Taney counties, you can have your certification done
by an authorized officer of a metropolitan police
department. If your dealership will be located in St.
Louis County or St. Louis City, you must have your lot
inspected by an agent with the St. Louis County or City
Auto Theft Division. If your dealership is located in a
Missouri county not listed above, you will need to
contact a member of the Missouri Highway Patrol to
conduct your certification. Just call them and tell them
you would like to schedule a time to have your business
inspected in order to certify for a dealer's license.
Your experience during the Application Certification
will be quick, positive, informative, and painless.
That's it. You can upload all information through
the Department of Revenue Dealer Portal. We will
cover the correct application process step by step in
your Missouri Dealer License Training Course.
When you receive your license you
will be able to enter any dealer auto auction in the country,
buy any vehicle without titling it, then sell it
anywhere in the country for a profit!
Sign Up For The State Required Dealer Seminar Now. We are here to answer your questions at
any time.